Exploit kits throw Flash bash party, invite Crypt0l0cker, spam bots

Evilware rivals race to exploit the flaws stoopid folks don’t fix. Darren Pauli Criminals behind some of the most potent exploit kits, Neutrino and RIG, are ramping up attacks slinging…

Hackers add exploit kit to article asking 'Is cyber crime out of control?'

Net menaces show warped sense of humour in attack on Grauniad story. Darren Pauli Hackers have hosed an article published by The Guardian using the world’s nastiest exploit kit Angler…

Cybercriminals will target Apple in 2016, say experts

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting Apple devices and 2016 will see a rise in attacks on its operating systems, security experts suggest. According to security firm Symantec, the amount of malware…

Independent blogs 'serve malware' to readers

The Independent newspaper’s blogging platform has been compromised with malware that infects readers’ computers, according to security experts. Researchers from Trend Micro found blogs on the website had been modified…

Independent blogs 'serve malware' to readers

The Independent newspaper’s blogging platform has been compromised with malware that infects readers’ computers, according to security experts. Researchers from Trend Micro found blogs on the website had been modified…