Flash banner ads banished by Google

Google is to banish most ads built in Adobe Flash from its advertising networks, the company has announced. From 30 June, its AdWords and DoubleClick networks will no longer accept…

Google fixes dangerous rooting vulnerabilities in Android

Media processing and kernel privilege escalation flaws were patched in the January Android security update. By Lucian Constantin Google has fixed a new batch of vulnerabilities in Android that could…

Google working on new email service

Number of encrypted emails Gmail received from non-Gmail senders increased from 33% to 61% between December 2013 and October 2015. Google has announced plans to improve its email service following…

Google, Others Seek to Make Cybercrime Costlier For Criminals

Most effective long-term strategy is to target the support infrastructure and financial services used by criminals, Google says. Jai Vijayan: Researchers from Google and several academic institutions are devising ways…