Corporate VPNs In The Bullseye

When the corporate virtual private network gets 0wned. Kelly Jackson Higgins: Virtual private network (VPN) connections can provide a false sense of security, and two separate and newly discovered attack…

Post-Stuxnet hack group builds formidable LinkedIn phish network

Iran-based ‘Cleaver’ team hacking its way through networks, airport security. Darren Pauli: An accomplished Iran-based attack group known as “Cleaver” has created a network of at least 25 well-developed LinkedIn…

How to minimise the risks of LinkedIn - the hacker's research tool

Staff need ongoing training in defending against the latest threats – which currently includes LinkedIn says Andrew Tang, service director, security at MTI Technology. LinkedIn, the social media platform, is…

How to minimise the risks of LinkedIn - the hacker's research tool

Staff need ongoing training in defending against the latest threats – which currently includes LinkedIn says Andrew Tang, service director, security at MTI Technology. LinkedIn, the social media platform, is…

The Rise of the Mobile Worker Increases the Risk of Visual Hacking

“Visual hacking”, or shoulder surfing, now presents a real threat to organisations. While it is good news that an increasing number of organizations are beginning to implement more robust mobile…